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5510 Social Insurance and Universal Health Insurance Law II

                                                             SECTION FOUR                                                         Provisions on Premiums                                                                 PART ONE              Collecting Premiums, Earning Subject to Premium, Premium Rates and Minimum Workmanship Obligation to collect premiums ARTICLE 79 – For short and long term insurances and universal health insurance, the Institution is obliged to collect, and the concerned parties are …

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4857 Labor Law English By Article

CHAPTER 1 “General Provisions” – Rurpose and scope – Definitions – Declaring the establishment – Exceptions – The principle of equal treatment – Transfer of the establishment or  no one of its sections – Temporary employment relationship CHAPTER 2 “Employment Contract, Types and Termination” – Definition and form – The …

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4857 Labor Law English Plain Text

  CHAPTER 1 “General Provisions” – Purpose and scope   ARTICLE 1. – The purpose of this Act is to regulate the working conditions and work-related rights and obligations of employers and employees working under an employment contract. With the exception of those cited in Article 4, this Act shall …

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